Littelfuse gibt Übernahme von Harris Suppression Products bekannt

DES PLAINES, Illinois, August 25, 1999 - Littelfuse, Inc. (NASDAQ/NMS:LFUS) today announced it has signed a definitive agreement to purchase the Suppression Products Group of the Harris Corporation (NYSE:HRS). Die Geschäftsbedingungen der Transaktion wurden nicht offengelegt.

The Suppression Products Group, formerly part of Harris's Semiconductor Sector, had global sales of approximately $38 million for the 12 months ended July 2, 1999. The Suppression Products Group manufactures and markets a broad line of transient voltage suppression devices that provide circuit protection for products in numerous markets including consumer, computer, telecommunications, automotive, office equipment, industrial and power transmission. The acquisition includes a manufacturing facility in Dundalk, Ireland.

"This business is an excellent strategic fit for Littelfuse," said Howard B. Witt, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. "The acquired products are complementary to our existing overcurrent offering and, along with our recently introduced electrostatic discharge line, establish Littelfuse as a significant player in the overvoltage protection market. We are pleased to be acquiring both a technological leader in the overvoltage market and a strong management team."

Witt estimated that with this new line of products, Littelfuse will now be able to address a $400-500 million segment of the over $1 billion overvoltage protection market.

"This is a significant step in our strategy to broaden our circuit protection business. Adding the Suppression Products Group's metal oxide varistor, multi-layer varistor and silicon-based protection technology platforms further strengthens our position as the leading supplier of circuit protection solutions and devices in the industry. It also enables us to further expand this product line by developing more advanced circuit protection products and solutions utilizing the technologies of both companies," Witt said.

"Today's systems and equipment increasingly rely on electrical and electronic devices for their successful operation, resulting in a growing demand for devices that protect sensitive circuitry from electrical transients and over-stress. The addition of these transient voltage technologies provides growth opportunities for Littelfuse's electronic and automotive businesses and enables us to offer our customers the most comprehensive line of circuit protection devices in the market," said William S. Barron, Vice President, Sales and Marketing. "Because of the common customer base of Littelfuse and the Harris Suppression Products Group, the addition of these new overvoltage products will position Littelfuse as a single source for our customers' circuit protection needs."

Über Littelfuse Als weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Stromkreisschutz bietet die 1927 gegründete Firma Littelfuse Inc. das umfangreichste Sortiment an Stromkreisschutzprodukten und -lösungen. Geräte von Littelfuse schützen Produkte in praktisch allen Branchen, die elektrische Energie benötigen, von Unterhaltungs- und Haushaltselektronik bis zur Kfz-Industrie und Industrieanlagen. Neben der Hauptgeschäftsstelle in Chicago, Illinois, besitzt Littelfuse mehr als 20 Verkaufsstellen, Vertriebseinrichtungen, Produktionsstätten und maschinelle Anlagen in Amerika, Europa und Asien. Zu den Technologien, die Littelfuse vertreibt, gehören u. a. Sicherungen; Gasentladungsröhren (GDT); Positiver-Temperatur-Koeffizient-Geräte (PTC); Relais, Steuerungen und Systeme; PulseGuard®-ESD-Entstörer; SIDACtor®-Schutzthyristoren; TVS-Diodenarrays (SPA™-Produktfamilie); Schaltthyristoren; TVS-Dioden und Varistoren. Das Unternehmen bietet darüber hinaus ein umfassendes Sortiment an äußerst zuverlässigen elektromechanischen und elektronischen Schalt- und Steuerkomponenten für Nutz‑ und Spezialfahrzeuge sowie Untergrund-Stromverteilung.

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