TVS for OV Protection

TVS for OV Protection

Design Notes:

Protection Application:
For the SMPS power supply, the Capacitor at PFC could be explosive due to transient voltage. An TVS diode could be placed in parallel to the to capacitor at PFC for over voltage protection.
Solution Description:
The TVS diode should be selected based on the line voltage, nominal load current. Typical part number used as 1.5SMC400A.
Companion Solutions:
Does not apply.
Regulatory Issues:
Standards will vary depending on the product to be protected. Examples include: IEC 61000-4-5 UL 1950 IEC 950
Unique Features:
Does not apply.
Application Warnings:
Does not apply.



  • 1.5SMC400A

    1500 W Überspannungssuppressoren zur Oberflächenmontage