Triac OVP

Triac OVP

Design Notes:

Protection Application:
For maximum reliability, triacs may be protected from overvoltage events. Selection is based on the line voltage of the application.
Solution Description:
Typically, 120VAC circuits will use a P4KE250CA and 240VAC circuits will use a P6KE510CA.
Companion Solutions:
Keine Angabe
Regulatory Issues:
Keine Angabe
Unique Features:
Keine Angabe
Application Warnings:
Be sure to use ONLY Bidirectional "C" Devices in AC Circuits!



  • P4KE250CA

    400 W axial bedrahtete Überspannungsableiter

  • P6KE510CA

    600 W, axial bedrahteter Überspannungsschutz (TVS-Diode)