Transducer Input

Circuit Protection of Transducer Input

Design Notes:

Protection Application:
The sensor input provides an interface between the patient and the measurement circuits. The electrical threat will be ESD.
Solution Description:
As shown at the left, a single multilayer varistor can be used to protect the sensor input.
Companion Solutions:
For applications with multiple transducer and sensor circuits, the SP7x series of rail clamp arrays can be used.
Regulatory Issues:
The IEC 61000-4-2 will be the most appropriate standard that applies for this circuit. It supplies a test method for verifying that the end product is not susceptible to ESD events.
Unique Features:
Does not apply.
Application Warnings:
The signal frequency of the transducer input should be taken into account. For frequencies greater than 150MHz, the PulseGuard technology should be considered.

