SMPS OV/OC Protection

OV/OC Protection for SMPS

Design Notes:

Protection Application:
The SMPS (120 to 250VACrms) will be exposed to severe surge transients (lightning, load switching, etc.) and short circuit/overload conditions.
Solution Description:
As shown at the left (top), a WIA cartridge or leaded fuse (Pico, 5x20mm, 2AG, 3AG, TE5/TR5) can be used for short circuit and overload current conditions. For surge protection, an MOV should be used. The MOV should be selected based on the expected severity (energy, voltage and peak pulse current) of the transient surge. The specific family (C-III, UltraMOV or LA) can be determined after the surge severity is understood.
Companion Solutions:
Does not apply.
Regulatory Issues:
Standards will vary depending on the product to be protected. Examples include: IEC 61000-4-5
Unique Features:
Does not apply.
Application Warnings:
Does not apply.

