Inverter Drive

OV/OC Protection for Inverter Drive

Inverter Fuse Design Notes:

Protection Application:
For Inverter Microwave oven, TVS was used to prevent OV either from high line voltage condition or regenerative high voltage from the transformer. For inverter Magnetron circuits, a WIA fuse was used for S/C protection for any malfunction of the electrical components in the circuitry.
Solution Description:
TVS selection depends on the line voltage, nominal load current, maximum surge load current. Typical line voltage around 300Volts. Typical TVS part number 1.5SMC400 A A time lag (Slo-Blo) fuse was selected due to the inrush caused by the charging current of the large capacitor. Typically, a 5x20mm axial leaded fuse were used, part number as 0215010.P
Companion Solutions for Inverter Fuses:
Axial leaded TVS part with various voltage rating for different line conditions. Other time lag (Slo-Blo) WIA fuse such as TR5, 2AG, 3AG series axial leaded fuse.
Regulatory Issues:
Does not apply.
Unique Features:
Does not apply.
Application Warnings:
Does not apply.



  • 1.5SMC400A

    1500 W Überspannungssuppressoren zur Oberflächenmontage