Umrichter für Hintergrundbeleuchtung

Circuit Protection of Backlight Inverter Circuit in LCD Panel

Design Notes:

Protection Application:
The backlight inverter circuit controls the action of the fluorescent tubes that light the LCD panels. The DC input should be protected against overcurrent and surge voltage events. The bus is typically rated between 9 and 14 VDC.
Solution Description:
As shown at the left, a fuse should be used for short circuit and overload current conditions. Typically, for small LCD panels (15" to 21"), chip fuses can be used. For larger panels (> 21"), the SMD Nano2 fuse is recommended. For surge protection, an MLV or TVS diode can be used.
Companion Solutions:
Does not apply.
Regulatory Issues:
Does not apply.
Unique Features:
Does not apply.
Application Warnings:
Note that it is very important that the fuse is selected carefully. Since fuses are thermal devices, the ambient temperature in their vicinity will affect their performance. In order to ensure proper performance and to avoid nuisance opening, the fuse selection process should take into account the ambient temperature and de-rate the fuse appropriately.

