Build Your Own Switch
Five handy kits cover all the electrical types and pilot light combinations. Each kit comes with a set of snap-in pilot light lenses, so it's easy to make up a switch with the lens color you need.
The five kits are individually retail-packed in clamshell BP units.
58328-100BP On-Off SPST, dependent
With one each Amber, Clear, Green, and Red lens.
58328-101BP On-Off SPST, independent
WIth one each Amber, Clear, Green and Red lens.
58328-102BP On-On SPDT, dependent
With two each Amber, Clear, Green and Red lenses.
58328-103BP On-Off-On, dependent
With one each large Amber, Clear, Green, Red and one each
small lenses.
58328-104BP On-Off SPST, one dependent, one independent
With one each large Amber, Clear, Green, Red and one each small lenses.