LCD Module

Circuit Protection of LCD Module

Design Notes:

Protection Application:
For typical LCD modules, the data transfer rate is less than 20 Mbps, so protection devices with capacitance values less than 40 pF can be used. The electrical threat is ESD.
Solution Description:
As shown at the left (top), discrete multilayer varistors can be used for layout flexibility. However, if part count reduction or board space savings are most important, then TVS diode arrays are recommended.
Companion Solutions:
Other solutions within the Littelfuse MLV portfolio exist in addition to these recommendations. For example, if the data transfer takes place at high speeds (>200 Mbps), then PulseGuard devices should be recommended, so as to ensure signal integrity.
Regulatory Issues:
The IEC 61000-4-2 will be the most appropriate standard that applies for this port. It supplies a test method for verifying that the end product is not susceptible to ESD events.
Unique Features:
Does not apply.
Application Warnings:
Does not apply.



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