Circuit Protection of HDMI Port

Design Notes:

Protection Application:
The data signals used in High Definition Multimedia Interface ports vary between approximately 2.5V and 3.5V, and have a data rate of 1.6Gbps (1.3) or 3.4Gbps (1.4). The signal lines to be protected from ESD include D2+, D2-, D1+, D1-, D0+, D0-, CLK+ and CLK-.
Solution Description:
Due to the extremely high rate of data transfer, the capacitance of the ESD suppressor must be minimized. Low-capacitance (devices under 0.5pF) such as the SP3010 series SPA TVS Diode Arrays or discrete PulseGuard ESD suppressors are recommended.
Companion Solutions:
For the lower speed I2C control lines, CEC bus, and Hot Plug Detect, a general purpose array like the SP1001-04XTG can be used or another SP3010-04UTG could be used for simplicity.
Regulatory Issues:
The IEC 61000-4-2 will be the most appropriate standard that applies for this port. It supplies a test method for verifying that the end product is not susceptible to ESD events.
Unique Features:
Application Warnings:
Does not apply.



  • SP3010

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