DSL Ports

DSL Protection

Design Notes:

Protection Application:
DSL signals (~24V max) are often superimposed over POTS signals (~270V max). This requires the OVP to breakdown above 300V. VDSL2 signal can range up to 30MHz. Due to the high data rates (up to 100Mbps), the capacitance and linearity of the protection scheme are key parameters.
Solution Description:
Two solutions are shown to the left. The upper solution uses SIDACtor technology (for best OVP protection) and the lower solution uses GDT technology (for best transmission performance).
Companion Solutions:
Some DSL applications are not superimposed over POTS lines. These are referred as "dry loops". Because the voltages are much lower (~24V max), the protection scheme changes. Using the upper scheme at the left, simply replace the SIDACtor device with a P0304UCMCL.
Regulatory Issues:
Unique Features:
Littelfuse is the only vendor offering a complete VDSL solution in a single surface mount package.
Application Warnings:



  • P1804UCMCL

    MicroCapacitance (MC) Multiport SIDACtor® - MS-013

  • 04611.25

    Überspannungsfeste TELELINK®-Sicherung für die Oberflächenmontage